Recently we completed our 2018 survey which we shared some of the results at our recent Annual Client briefing at the NGV. For those clients who took the time to complete the survey we are most grateful as this information is taken very seriously by our team and is used to improve our service to you.
Our scores were again very strong in this survey and APC outperformed the national average in all of the nine Key Performance Indicators and ranked in the top quartile in all of the headline areas. Remember it is only the better firms that actually are willing to survey their clients in this way.
Overall our results were also well up on our 2016 survey. All scores are out of 5 and some highlights of the survey were;
- Our response rate was 69% which is phenomenal and well above the national average of between 30%-35
- 93% of our clients are willing to refer APC to their friends, family and associates which is outstanding and something we are very appreciative of. Our growth only comes from referrals
- APC’s average score across all categories was 4.73 as compared to the benchmark average score is 4.21 which puts APC in the top quartile of businesses in this survey’s national benchmarking group
- APC’s clients scored us most highly for the Standard of Support Staff with an average score of 4.85. We are very proud of the work Luke, Calypso, Hiro and Petra do in providing excellent service to our clients. Although the survey refers to ‘Support Staff’ our view is and will always remain that we are all one cohesive team working together to deliver the very best service to our clients and to represent their best interests at all times
- APC’s second highest scores were 4.81 measuring Business Relationship (which measures the level of trust you feel with APC) and Professionalism (of APC)
- APC’s greatest result above the national benchmark average was the Financial Review Process or what you would know as our Regular Planning Meetings (RPMs). APC’s score was 4.71 vs the national benchmark average of 3.97. Our clients continue to tell us that they value our RPMs greatly and feel at the end of our meetings they have real clarity about their overall strategy and how they are tracking to their personal goals
Younger Clients
In this survey we scored 4.60 for Range of Financial Services. Whilst the benchmark average is 4.13 our offering to a younger client has been identified as an area where we would like to improve. We have been developing our Foundation Client Service which assists a younger person who is post university and/or are early in their working lives. It is designed to help build good money management behaviours as early as possible. Many of our clients who have been with APC for many years have said that had they engaged APC earlier in their working lives they would be in an even better position now.
If you would like to discuss the Foundation Client Service and how it may assist your child please contact a member of the APC advice team.
Charts of all 9 Key Areas from our Client Survey
Business Relationship
Financial Knowledge
Range of Financial Services
Implementation of Services
Professionalism of Practice
Standard of Support Staff
Financial Review Process