ESG Statement
Our ESG statement explains the foundation upon which APC operates as a business.
It establishes our approach to a sustainable purpose and forms the basis of our decisions by focusing on our values and ethics, our approach to compliance, our people and culture and finally our community involvement.
Our values and ethics
Our values are in the DNA of APC and how we approach key stakeholder relationships – Clients, Team and Society.
- Placing our client’s interest always ahead of our own
- Being honest with our clients and ourselves while operating with integrity
- Always be willing to help our fellow team members
- Support diversity within our team
- Having an inclusive approach
- As we prosper we give back to society
Our approach to compliance
The core of our approach to compliance is strong governance and a robust risk management framework so that, at all times, APC achieves high levels of personal and professional integrity. With the support of key internal team members and external compliance advice, we have put in place the necessary components to ensure we deliver on this framework including;
- Clear procedures and systems
- A code of conduct
- An initial assessment of the client, their needs and how we may be able to help
- Identification and regular assessment of our client data to ensure it is up to date
- Ongoing review of client files and transaction monitoring
- An ongoing training program for our team to ensure the highest standards of compliance are embedded in our processes.
We will not enter into, or maintain, relationships with individuals or organisations engaged in, or suspected of having engaged in, illegal activities or activities which go against our ethics and values. New clients are only accepted following applicable laws, rules and standards as they relate to money laundering and terrorist financing.
People and Culture
Fostering openness, sustainability, and respect are our key objectives. We value our people and strive to work as one team solely on behalf of our clients. We invest significantly in our people and their working environment by creating and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and focusing on their ongoing professional and personal development.
We engage with our people to translate our core values into action. We do this through clear communication and engagement, information and consultation to assist them in realising their full potential.
We promote integrity and professionalism throughout APC and pride ourselves in leading by example which we do by setting the correct tone right from the top of our organisation. We consider ourselves to be personable and approachable and hold these attributes up as being key when putting our core values into action.
APC recognises that a diverse workforce is valuable and a key advantage for our clients. We recognise the importance of reflecting the diversity of our clients within our team. Maintaining gender balance is of primary importance and focus.
We believe that our business success is a reflection of the calibre of our people and that each member of our team brings their unique capabilities and experiences to their role at APC. We believe that the wide array of perspectives that result from such diversity promotes the best possible outcomes for our clients.
Corporate Social Responsibility
APC has several corporate partners with which we have sustained and valued relationships.
We encourage our people to give back to the community and in line with our 6th value, APC provides the time to do this together, as a team.
Our key focus area is assisting young people from dysfunctional homes, to have the same opportunities that many take for granted. We believe we must play our part to build a better world for current and future generations.
We welcome initiatives from all sources but especially those from our team members.